M&A, PE, or Independence? Chart Your CPA Firm’s Future in 2025

Donny Shimamoto

As industry insiders and experts, Bob and Doug Lewis will unravel the impact of private equity, explore the myths and realities of M&A, and provide actionable strategies for firms determined to remain independent or take the next big leap. Get all your questions answered.

Top Tax Transformations Before Busy Season

Donny Shimamoto

You’ve got about two months before busy season goes into full swing. What are some of the top transformations that you can complete in this short window? Join us for this webinar for tips on workflow optimization, cash flow management, automation opportunities, and cybersecurity improvements that will make your busy season less stressful.

How ESG Reports Can Help With Recruitment and Retention

Donny Shimamoto

We’re facing a shortage of accountants and the “great resignation” is putting the employee in a position of power in deciding whether to stay with a current employer or jump to another employer. When recruiting and retaining employees, how do organizations differentiate themselves as an employer of choice? The answer: ESG reports.

How Accountants Create Value via ESG

Donny Shimamoto

Go beyond ESG basics and learn how ESG will impact finance professionals and auditors. Also learn how ESG provides opportunities for career advancement and more value-added contributions to the organizations that we serve. Then form your own opinion on whether it’s here to stay or if it will go away.