Staffing Strategies: Uncovering Solutions for the Accounting Talent Gap

Donny Shimamoto

The Center for Accounting Transformation and CPA Trendlines have come together as advocates for the profession to research an important issue impacting the profession: staffing. Join us for this key webinar hosted by thought leaders Donny Shimamoto, CPA, CITP, CGMA, with the Center for Accounting Transformation, and CPA Trendline’s Founder & CEO Rick Telberg as they take a deeper look at the Staffing Strategies Research Survey data and discuss key findings that may help identify leading practices and innovative approaches to address staffing shortages moving forward.

The DEI Journey of Accounting Professionals – A Research Study Analysis

Donny Shimamoto

The results are in. Join us for this FREE CPE WEBINAR where we will be sharing the complete results of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journeys Research Study conducted by the Center for Accounting Transformation. Hear from academic researchers and DEI experts as they take a dive in to what the research told us and discuss the current state of DEI.

How Accountants’ Ethics are Impacted by the A-B-C-Ds of the Digital Age 

Donny Shimamoto

Attend this session to understand the ethical implication to ourselves and the organizations that we serve. Look at how Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and Data governance are impacting the accounting ecosystem supporting transaction recordation and financial reporting.

Business Continuity Planning for Non-Techies

Donny Shimamoto

One of the best ways to mitigate ransomware risk is to have a good Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place. A good BCP can also help you ensure high client satisfaction in the event of other issues like natural disasters, equipment issues, software issues, and other business disruptions.

How Accountants Create Value via ESG

Donny Shimamoto

Go beyond ESG basics and learn how ESG will impact finance professionals and auditors. Also learn how ESG provides opportunities for career advancement and more value-added contributions to the organizations that we serve. Then form your own opinion on whether it’s here to stay or if it will go away.

Exploring the A-B-C-D of the Digital Age and Their Impact on Accounting

Donny Shimamoto

This session with start with a quick look at how Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, and Data governance are impacting the accounting ecosystem supporting transaction recordation and financial reporting. Then we’ll dive deeper into how to identify opportunities for automation, whether with traditional programming, robotic process automation (RPA), or machine learning. We’ll close out with a look at how the role of the finance team leader will change and the skills needed to be successful in the near future.

The D&I Business Case: Understanding the Link Between Diversity & Performance

Jina Etienne

Diversity is more than a “people” thing. There is increasing evidence and data linking diversity to financial performance. A McKinsey study links racial and ethnic diversity to improved financial returns – as much as 35% above national industry medians. A Deloitte study showed that diverse companies had higher cash flow per employee. Yet, the connection between diversity, inclusion and performance can feel elusive.

Join us for a conversation to help lay a foundation for talking about, engaging in, and working through D&I in your firm. In this session, we will explore questions like: What do we really mean when we say “diversity” AND “inclusion”? How should we be talking about D&I in our firms? We will explore the implications of D&I within firms and across the accounting profession and draw connections between statements of commitment to D&I, leadership intention, firm culture, and organizational performance.

Enabling Hybrid Work: How to Ensure a Holistic Approach to Customer, Employee, and Cybersecurity Risks

Donny Shimamoto

The move to remote work changes not just your cybersecurity risks, but adds an element of customer-facing risks, and also increases employee engagement risks. Learn more about these risks and some practical tactics to mitigate these risks by attending this session designed for non-techies. Learn what questions to ask your IT team and what you can do to reduce your data breach risk. Also get some tips on how accountants can help their organizations evaluate and prioritize addressing these risks.