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About Us

The Center for Accounting Transformation has been established to provide accounting professionals with a framework for utilizing innovations that are ready for adoption, the training and resources necessary to apply the innovations, and an opportunity to engage the talent and community needed to further the pursuit of innovative accounting practices that drive responsible and mindful business performance.

We are here to PROVIDE actionable tools, know-how, and a safe space for the cultivation of new ideas. INSPIRE innovation in our profession as a force for meaningful transformation. CREATE a community that supports all subscribers on a path toward a better future. CHANGE the face of the profession.

We are not here to convince people to change, but rather to empower those who seek an alternative to the status quo. As such, we offer our collaborators and subscribers an opportunity to enable transformation to help them understand organizational scalability through effective leadership. This includes resources and services that extend beyond “just CPE,” and pathways to certification in a variety of areas in the accounting profession.


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to accelerate the evolution of the accounting profession. With Our Tenets serving as a guide, we drive toward our purpose by offering support and resources in the areas of Innovation Adoption, Risk Management and Better Business Culture.

Our Impact

When our people are individually and collectively committed to this path of transformation, our greatest impact comes in supporting a thriving ecosystem of mindful organizations across the globe.

Our People

Collectively, the people that make up the Center for Accounting Transformation Alliances (Our Team, Our Advisory Board and Our Alliance Partners) are focused on effectiveness, development, and improvement.


Our Purpose


Our Impact


Our People

Meet our HQ Team
Our Alliances