Staffing Strategies Research Study Report

Uncovering Solutions for the Accounting Talent Gap

The accounting profession is still grappling with a severe staffing shortage, with news of pipeline challenges making headlines daily. But what concrete data exists on the specific staffing needs in the industry? How are firms and finance departments tackling this issue? Are all possible workload or demand reduction strategies being fully leveraged? Where can we find reliable data on what’s actually working?

The Center for Accounting Transformation and CPA Trendlines conducted a survey with accounting professionals over the course of six months and learned which issues were particularly plaguing accounting teams, as well as some solutions that are working, as well as strategies not being used as much as they could.

The Staffing Strategies Research Study, sponsored in part by Scrubbed, dives deep into these questions, analyzing the most significant challenges posed by staffing shortages and uncovering innovative strategies that accounting firms are using to overcome them.

In This Report You Will Learn About:

    • Quantifying the Staffing Need
      • How much staffing is needed and what type of skills
    • Accountants’ Work Environment
    • Improving Staffing Success
    • The Challenge of Retention
    • Staffing Strategies
      • Recruitment and Retention
      • Outsourcing and Offshoring
      • Work Optimization
      • Demand Reduction
    • The Path Forward

Get insights into leading practices and proven approaches by downloading the Staffing Strategies Research Report. Complete the form to access the report and discover how to navigate the staffing crisis successfully.

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