Research Projects
Research plays an integral part in creating new knowledge and advancing product innovation that will help us to transform the accounting profession. The Center for Accounting Transformation helps support and engage researchers and technologists both within and outside of the profession in order to aid in the development of research questions that can be applied in practice, facilitate knowledge sharing, and create connections between researchers and practitioners from varying areas of expertise.
Whether it’s a quick answer on a simple issue or compiling extensive case studies with a dedicated research team to tackle more complex projects, we are inspired by the opportunities that exist to #accelerateinnovation.
From currently active and proposed research projects, to recently completed ones, our research agenda is driven by our community of Transformation Agents and stakeholders. Unlike larger research institutions, our research is focused on small and mid-sized business and nonprofits. We strive to provide actionable intelligence that can be easily applied by “non-techie” practitioners who seek to make better informed business decisions.
If you would like to learn more about how you can contribute to active or proposed research projects, or have questions about our research, please contact us at insights@improvetheworld.net.
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