How Automation and AI are Enhancing Management Accountants

Offered By:

Transformation Area:

Accounting Transformation
Firm Transformation

Field of Study:

Business Management & Organization - BMO

CPE Credits

1 Hour(s) - CPE Credit(s)


1 Hour(s)





Content Type

Group Internet Based


Headlines abound saying that Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) is going to eliminate the need for accountants. In reality, RPA and AI provide a great opportunity for accountants to automate more routine procedures and focus on delivering more value-added insights to help improve an organization’s performance or risk mitigation.  Conversely, the use of AI within organizations can also have some perverse results if not managed properly. Accountants must be aware of these risks and work to ensure that the proper controls are in place to manage an organization’s operational and financial risks associated with automation and AI. Attend this session to learn more about these technologies and their implications to the skills and knowledge needed to be an effective management accountant.


  • Identify when traditional programming or RPA should be used for automation
  • Identify when artificial intelligence should be used for automation
  • Identify considerations for assessing the value of automations

Intended Audience

Firm leaders, Managing Partners, Owners, HR Managers

Advanced Preparation

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Book Event

Session Cost: $50

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Available Registration: 100
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October 24, 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

