Teams Now Tops 250 Million Monthly Active Users

One of the most popular project management and collaboration platforms is Microsoft Teams. Is your firm taking advantage of all the bells & whistles?
On July 27, Microsoft updated Microsoft Teams usage numbers, stating the platform has 250 million monthly active users, including 80 million active Teams Phone users, with total calls surpassing 1 billion in a single month this quarter. Microsoft reports 124 organizations now have more than 100,000 users and nearly 3,000 have more than 10,000 users.
Those numbers beg the question if you’re not using it: Can millions of users be wrong? If you have an Office 365 subscription, Teams is available to you for free. If you are using it, are you using it to its fullest capabilities, including with clients?
To find out if you and your firm are utilizing all the bells and whistles Teams has to offer, the Center for Accounting Transformation will be hosting two one-hour webinars presented by Shayna B. Chapman, CPA, CITP, CGMA, on How Firms Use Microsoft Teams for Internal and Client Communication and Collaboration. Chapman, founder and chief strategist for Shaynaco LLC, has received the Sage Circle of Excellence Accounting award, twice received the CPA Practice Advisor’s 40 Under 40 honor, and was twice selected as one of CPA Practice Advisor’s Most Powerful Women in Accounting.
During the one-hour webinar, being presented on August 9 and September 9, attendees will recognize the key features of Microsoft Teams and identify how Teams can be used internally for staff collaboration and communication, as well as how it can offer real-time collaboration with chat, document sharing and calls with clients.