
Taking Control of Your Mental Health Before Burnout (On Demand)

Transformation Area
Accounting Transformation
Audit Transformation
Digital Transformation
Finance Transformation
On Demand
Tax Transformation

Stress is synonymous with the accounting profession, and anxiety is a common mental health issue experienced by many. Coupled together, excessive stress and anxiety in the workplace can cause a drop in performance, missed workdays, poor productivity, disengagement, and physical and mental health issues. It’s an uncontrollable spiral.

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Offered By:


Dr. Samuel Kim

Learn More About Dr. Samuel

Natalie Branscomb CPA

Transformation Area:

Field of Study:

On Demand
Personal Development - PD

CPE Credits

1.5 Hours



Content Type

On Demand





Course Overview

Stop the cycle, take back control of your mental health, and return to the person and work you love.

During this webinar our panelists will discuss what happens if stress and anxiety are not addressed and how working with a therapist can help identify, manage, and reduce stress to help you reignite your vitality and strength by implementing impactful changes in your daily life.

Learning Objectives

  • ​​​Identify the cause of stress, burnout, and when it turns into mental health issues.
  • Describe how we can all start making small changes for productivity purposes.
  • Identify new ways to look at productivity and work-life integration during busy season.
  • Describe the difference between a coach and therapist and recognize the signs of when one is needed

Intended Audience

Firm leaders, managing partners, owners, HR managers, and anyone else wanting to learn more about taking care of themselves and avoiding burnout.

Advanced Preparation

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What People are Saying


Excellent course and speakers. I am burned out going into tax season; topic was extremely relevant to me.

- Pam J.
Webinar Attendee
Transformation Area: Accounting Transformation

Timely information provided by competent and informed speakers.

- Chris S.
Transformation Area: Accounting Transformation

Thoughts lead to words; words lead to action; action solves problems. It’s important to be reminded of this from time to time and today was a great example of that. Thanks for a great webinar!

- Chris L.
Webinar Participant
Transformation Area: Accounting Transformation

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