Nearly 80% of Workers Take Security Shortcuts While Working Remotely

According to CPO Magazine, a third saved their passwords on their browsers, almost a third connected to public Wi-Fi and nearly a quarter use the same password across multiple sites. What’s worse? Most think cybersecurity is IT’s job and not theirs. What risks are you facing and how can you mitigate them?
While 2020 ushered in remote work, the Delta variant and COVID surges, as well as employee preferences, are showing the clear shift to remote work being much more common. Unfortunately, remote workers and hybrid teams can also invite cybersecurity risks.
According to an August article in CPO Magazine, 79% of employees took cybersecurity shortcuts while working remotely. That includes 33% saving passwords on browsers, 32% connecting to public Wi-Fi and 23% using the same password across multiple sites. Owners and managers may think the best way to avoid the risks is to keep employees in the office. However, that may no longer be an option. In fact, Bloomberg reports that 39% of U.S. workers would consider quitting if their employers did not offer remote work. That figure jumps to 49% for millennials and Gen Z employees.
An upcoming workshop presented by the Center for Accounting Transformation promises to demystify the “mumbo jumbo” around cybersecurity technologies.
Technology guru Donny Shimamoto, CPA, CITP, CGMA, will lead a two-credit hour course on Understanding Your Cybersecurity Tech Options: How Non-Techies Can Mitigate Their Cyber Risks, where he said accountants can learn major risk areas and types of solutions.
The founder and managing director of IntrapriseTechKnowlogies, Shimamoto also serves as a business transformation advisor and outsourced IT partner for firms, finance departments, and internal audit departments. He’s been recognized by CPA Practice Advisor, Accounting Today and CPA Technology Advisor.
The Center for Accounting Transformation provides professionals with a framework for utilizing innovations that are ready for adoption, the training and resources necessary to apply the innovations, and an opportunity to engage the talent and community needed to further the pursuit of innovative accounting practices that drive responsible and mindful business performance.