2023 Accounting MOVE Project

Career Sustainability: The New Essential Power Skill
Since 2010, the Accounting MOVE Project is the only annual benchmarking research and advocacy report that measures and supports the advancement of women and diverse talent at accounting and advisory firms.
This year’s report theme – Career Sustainability: The New Essential Power Skill – will take a careful look at how the traditional pace of career advancement at accounting and advisory firms is shifting. Post-COVID expectations are coinciding with generational approaches to work-life balance to reset how – and how much – professionals take on at each career stage. If the default response in the past to new development opportunities and career responsibilities was “yes,” the new default is not “no,” but rather, “for how long?”
Additionally, the Accounting MOVE Project digs into the idea of Customized Partnerships. As women continue to shoulder disproportionate caregiving burdens, the emerging question is, “How can women advance into equity partnership while on a scaled track?” Prior MOVE reports have outlined how some firms have scaled all elements of advancement 70% to 90% for women who need more flexibility. While the temptation is to simply lop off a category of leadership development – especially business development in lieu of cultivating longtime clients – that strategy is short-sighted and self-defeating. The 2023 MOVE report will look at the deliberate design of customized partnership tracks, differentiate them from remote partnership, and examine models that work sustainably.
Learn more about the Accounting MOVE Project by:
- Subscribing to the newly launched podcast, MOVE Like This. With three episodes released so far, new ones are dropping every two weeks. You can find it on Apple, Podbean, Spotify, Amazon Music, TuneIN, iHeartRadio & Podchaser.
- Visiting MOVE’s FAQ page to see key dates and deadlines.
- Reviewing the Accounting MOVE Project fee schedule and methodology to determine if you prefer to receive a Snapshot or Scorecard.
- Saving the date (June 13-16 from 9 – 10am EDT) for the MOVE Mini-Summit presented virtually via CPA Academy. (More information and links to register coming soon.)
- Signing up to participate in 2023’s Accounting MOVE Project.